Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Salmon for Supper

Rifling through the freezer... oh, what to cook, what to cook.  Yup, got it.

I announced to Ramsey that we would be having salmon for supper.  "SALMON???? YAY!!!" was Ramsey's response.

To be exact, it was teriyaki glazed salmon with garlic and parmesan roasted broccoli.   When I gave him his supper, he exclaimed again, "Pass the salmon! This is one of my favorites!!!"  Then, he added, "Ketchup, please!".  Ugh.  Ketchup?  Really?

Yes, one of our youngest son's favorite suppers is glazed salmon.... and ketchup.
He's got "food issues" (texture-related), but I got him to eat a nibble of broccoli the last time we had this dish.  I tried again, bribing him a bit (screen time).  He chowed down two regular pieces of roasted broccoli and also five more crowns.  
That ketchup though!  

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