Monday, March 21, 2022

Stuck Inside

 Poor Jango... he had surgery last week to correct his Entropion condition, plus get neutered, nails clipped, and teeth checked.   He has been outside to exercise a bit, but since he's supposed to be resting (vs. going bananas playing), he's had to stay inside more.  Tonight, he was letting us know how displeased he was with the decision for him to remain indoors while we were out having fun.

[According to] Entropion is an abnormality of the eyelids in which the eyelid rolls inward. It causes the hair on the surface of the eyelid to rub against the cornea, resulting in pain, corneal ulcers, perforations, or pigment developing on the cornea which can interfere with vision.  

Some dogs outgrow the condition by about one year of age.  Others require surgery.  Jango didn't grow out of it.  His incision's swelling should lessen each day.  He will have his stitches out in about two weeks.

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