Saturday, May 20, 2023

Dock's In! (FINALLY)

With such a ridiculously LONG winter, the dock was LATE getting into the water.  Because we figured there may be a lot of water run-off, we waited a little longer (perhaps a bit too long) to get the dock in.  The lift will go in soon.
Views like this (from the deck) are some of my favorite things in the world.  I used to watch Eric and Connor.  Tonight, Ramsey wanted to spend time with Daddy on the dock.
I had to get some dock time in too.  It's always so serene and peaceful.  It makes my heart happy and is good for the soul!
At the end of the day, the take-home prizes from the dock were fruitful.  
These were some nice-sized walleye, between 16 and 20".

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