Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Monthly Reading Award

 Each month of school, Ramsey had a sheet to fill out for reading.  Each evening he read, he would note the book, the number of pages, and Eric or I would sign the sheet.  There were mini prizes for each milestone.  

Goal 1: 16 nights per month.   Goal 2: 20 nights per month.   Goal 3: 24 nights per month.  Goal 4: Over 26 nights per month.

I told Ramsey that there could be a prize at the end of the school year if he hit Benchmark/Goal 4 every month.  Each night, he would read a chapter book/graphic novel.

There certainly was a prize; he received an Allevity gift card and a sucker from the school.  I took him shopping for a new toy too, cuz... why not?  :-)  

Good job sticking to it, Ramsey!

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