Saturday, May 13, 2023

Ramsey's Book

 Ramseys OB...SESSED with guns, military, war history, etc.  Eric bought him this book late last year and it is his absolute FAVORITE.  He reads it  I've already had to tape the heck out of the binding, as it's falling apart.  This thick encyclopedia has seemingly every gun ever created in it, with details about what types of ammo/rounds they fire, which country they were developed in, who created/invented them, etc. He can rattle off details for any gun in here!

 If Ramsey ever goes on Jeopardy and the questions are related to guns, he'll be victorious.  No one argues anything about guns in the household because our 9-year-old is ALWAYS right.  He also watches war documentaries with Eric.  Maybe someday the child will grow up to be a war historian..?

That said, he also now likes to draw guns and war/battle depictions.  He drew a bunch of pictures and then put them together himself.  He made "a book", he says. He photographed them all and was so proud of them.

Here's his book of guns and battles:

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