Thursday, May 11, 2023

Handmade Mother's Day Gift

 There's been a LOT going on here, with the reno, school schedules, and just the usual hub-bub.

Ramsey brought home this wonderful (HUGE) handmade Mother's Day card that he'd made in school.

He said everyone in his class labeled their trophies something different for their moms.  One friend added that his mom was "Greatest Photographer", another was "Awesome Nurse".  I'm the "GOAT of Caring".  :-)   I'll take it!  It made my heart melt that he feels that way.
The first inside page was a survey.  Ramsey was certain he'd gotten them all correct.  Some of them were spot-on, others could honestly go either way (like... chips or chocolate?  C'mon... how about "both"!)   And, some were things that I think Ramsey would want me to choose! ha!   
And, the letter that Ramsey wrote was so sweet.  The picture he drew was of times when we go for walks to the point. He even added in the cute bench that we stop at to take a quick breather and look over the lake!  So sweet!

The  letter reads: "Dear Mom, thank you so much for everything you do for me.  I love when we play chess together.  You are so caring, creative, and supporting.  The things I think you do best are baking treats, caring for others, and being my Mom.  I love you!  Love, Ramsey"

This card is on my desk and is something I will keep forever.  😍

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