Friday, December 22, 2017

Early Christmas

Our "first Christmas" of the year was on Thursday, the 21st.  We wouldn't have Connor for the actual holiday, so we got to have an early Christmas!

We decided not to have a "real fire", so we put a Yule log on TV, courtesy of YouTube.  Thanks, YouTube.  :-)
And, Alexa graced us with a nice Christmas music channel for our listening enjoyment.

As per usual on gift-opening night, we had pizzas.  This year, it was of the frozen chicken Alfredo persuasion.  While the pizzas were cooking, we snapped a few anticipatory pics.
Before it got too late, Eric decided to "remind" Connor to go "pick up all of his stuff that he left out in the yard"!   Perplexed as to what his dear ol' Dad was talking about, Connor looked out the front door and found his first (and largest!) gift of the evening; a new kayak, complete with rod holders.
While we waited for supper to cook, we hung out.
Ramsey practiced his light saber moves.
He invited Connor to a duel. 
After supper had sufficiently been snarfed, it was time to open gifts.
Ramsey was the "gift-giver" this year and handed out gifts to everyone.  He was able to read everyone's names and pass out presents effectively.  Connor was the spot-checker and also helped.
Connor mostly received clothing, candy, and XBox gaming gear.
This was the first year that Ramsey really opened his own presents, though he did have a little help,
...a rather uneventful video below, but it's the first he'd done [mostly] on his own.
He got some more kinetic sand here; a dinosaur kit!
Eric gave the boys a present together; a "fly gun" (it fires salt at flies in order to eradicate them).  I believe this will mainly be used by the older of the two!!!
Eric also got a fire arm for Christmas!  A super duper "Raptor Whisper" air rifle, with inert gas technology, allowing pellets to move 1300 fps (apparently faster than his Glock).
"You'll shoot your eye out, kid!"
And the gifts kept on coming...   Ramsey's outfitted to be Captain America, his favorite Avengers character.
He's also more equipped to be a storm trooper, in his new First Order storm trooper pajamas.
Among other things, he also received a microphone.  So, we had a sort of "karaoke night" once gifts had been opened.  I'll spare you Ramsey's 6-minute version of Bohemian Rhapsody (for now.. muah hahaha).
The evening was fun, chaotic, and surprising.  Among the craziness that it kind of was, it was a wonderful evening.  We are very blessed.  Merry Christmas!

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