Sunday, December 31, 2017

Ramsey's Notables for 2017

Kids say and do the craziest things.  I've said this a million times.... "I wish I would have written that down" when Connor said something or did something crazy when he was a little tot.  ("I got milk down my juice lung!", as some milk went down 'the wrong tube'.)
I'm keeping track of some of Ramsey's crazy things throughout each year.   Sorry, but there may be a bit of a "potty theme" in many of these excerpts.

So, for 2017, we'll start out in January of 2017.
Ramsey was still in-training for the potty.  I was changing his 3rd messy pull-up of the day (he'd had some accidents and his tummy must have been messed up).   Not to be gross, but they were very... mushy.  As I was changing him, I said to him, "Ramsey, you're having some pooping problems today!".  He then exclaimed, "YEA, diarrhea!!!".  I wondered how the heck a 2-year-old would know what that was?!?

Fast-foward to June 9, 2017:
Ramsey was crawling around the floor, playing.  He shouts, "I'm a puppy!  I want to go outside."  Then, he says, "I'm going to go POOP outside!"

August 8th, 2017:
Ramsey was digging in his nose (yuck).  He turns to Nana Karen and says, "I have a snot mustache!".

Also that day, while we were blowing bubbles on the deck with the bubble guns and wands, Ramsey asks, "Do you know where bubbles go?  Bubble heaven!".
August 13th, 2017:
While Ramsey was sitting on the potty chair, he shouts, "I have RAISINS below my pee pee!"

August 13th, 2017 (I must have really been keeping good track in August, huh?!?!):
While we were outside firecamping, Connor found a leopard frog and showed it to Ramsey.  Ramsey petted it, sniffed it, then said, "Hey, this frog smells like chicken!"
August 14th, 2017:
We were sitting at the kitchen table eating.  Ramsey tells Eric, "You need to grow down and be 3, like me!".  Everyone was also told to "grow little" like him too.

September 2017:
Ramsey was on the potty chair, playing with his little boy goods.  I told him, "Ramsey, please stop playing with your testicles."  He stopped. I asked, "Why are you always playing with them?"  He replied, "Because they are so squishy!!"
October 14, 2017:
Ramsey was playing with his mini light saber.  Riggs was laying there nicely.  Ramsey takes the saber, puts it by Riggs's rear and and says, "I'm gonna check out your butt!!"
December 17th, 2017:
When I asked Ramsey what kind of a cake he wanted for his birthday, he told me, "I want a dead loser birthday cake!".  *sigh*    He also said a minions cake or a Minecraft cake.

December 24th, 2017:
I was preparing the cookies and milk for Santa.  Ramsey was playing in the living room.  Eric was looking at the Santa Tracker.  As I was walking into the room, Eric made a crack that "Santa better not fly over North Korea; they will shoot him down!".  Without hesitation, Ramsey snaps his body at Eric, points his finger at him and said, "Hey, stop saying sh*t like that!".   It came out of his mouth so naturally, it was like he'd been saying it for years!
I was laughing (and crying) so hard, I had to turn around and go back into the kitchen to compose myself.  It took Eric much longer to be able to calm himself down and get his laughter and tears under control.
Cheers to another new year of funny comments and retorts!

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