Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Ramsey Q&A

So, once again, it's time to post the "answers" to the last six months of questions that Qeepsake (a free web-based service) texts me for our growing preschooler.   It's a fun little way to remember things [later] about Ramsey at this age.

If you asked Ramsey what he wanted for lunch, what would he say?
Chicken fingers or grilled cheese and tomato soup.
Does Ramsey like to draw?
Not like his ol' Mom did when she was little.  He doesn't draw or color much just yet.

What foods does Ramsey like to eat for a snack?
Graham crackers, Gogurt, vanilla wafer cookies

What's Ramsey's favorite spot in the home?
On the couch or anywhere comfty, either playing Kindle or playing toys.  Or, hiding/playing under the living room table.

Did you learn anything new about Ramsey today?
We usually do learn something new!  I just learned that for Ramsey's birthday (which he is ridiculously excited for!), he wants a minion cake, a Minecraft cake, or a "dead loser cake".    I have no words. *sigh*

Does Ramsey generally listen to what you say?
Typically, he either listens 100% and tries to please.... or he's 100% oblivious and is in his own little world!
There are times when he's picking up toys (like he's been asked to), then he gets side-tracked, playing with the toys he's supposed to be putting away.    No matter the time of year, a reminder that "Daddy's going to call Santa" (to tell him Ramsey isn't listening) is enough of a jolt to get him back on track.

What is Ramsey's favorite drink?
"Chocolate vitamin milk".  AKA whole milk with Amazing Grass Kidz Chocolate Superfood Powder. 

What is the last thing that Ramsey made?
Besides a mess of the living room (Star Wars guys everywhere!), we made reindeer hand print pictures for the grandparents for Christmas.  That was fun!  No pictures here, as it would completely spoil the surprise.

Is Ramsey talkative?
He is a chatterbox and comes up with some pretty good lines!  He has terrific manners; he always says "please", "thank you", "Good Morning!", etc.  When he meets someone new, he says "It's a pleasure to meet you".  When he sees someone, he tells them, "it's nice to see you again!".   Lately, he likes to reiterate the Arby's commercial slogan.... "Arby's... WE have THE MEAT!"
He also loves to laugh.  Refer to video:
Does Ramsey show pride at new accomplishments?
Of course, as most children his age do.  He beams with pride and we let him know how proud we are of him too.

What size clothing is Ramsey wearing right now?
Ramsey's wearing a size 4T in pretty much everything.  He wears a size 7 shoe.  He's got a narrow waist, so adjustable pants are a must!

If Ramsey could write a book, what would it be about?
He would write a book about Star Wars and Minecraft.  It would be a mix of both!

Is Ramsey afraid of the dark?
He doesn't seem to be afraid of the dark, but he does like to sleep with his night light (or his mini Christmas tree) on.

Does Ramsey ever go grocery shopping with you?
Ramsey is my super good buddy companion when I'm grocery shopping and he accompanies me about 80% of the time.  He does a great job and sits so nice!  He usually sings while we go up and down the aisle, greeting people and waving at them.
Note: Ramsey does know more of the song than just this one line. lol

Is Ramsey scared of thunder or lightning?
I don't recall Ramsey ever freaking out over a thunderstorm.  

What is Ramsey's favorite article of clothing to wear?
His Star Wars pajamas or any of his Star Wars underpants.  He also likes his police man shirt.
How does Ramsey get along with animals?
Ramsey loves animals.  His only playmate thus far as been Riggs, but when we go to the fair, he loves the goats, riding the ponies, and whatever they happen to have that can be touched in the barns or petting zoo.

Does Ramsey prefer playing inside or outside?
He loves playing both inside and outside.  Outside, he loves to just run around the yard, playing with sticks - or swinging on his play set.   Playing on the front deck is also plenty of good (enclosed) fun!
What is Ramsey doing right now?
Right now, Ramsey is upstairs with Nana Karen.  I can hear him yelling "whoo hooo hooooo".  I don't know if he is singing, pretending to be a train, or what!?!

What does Ramsey call you?
Ramsey calls me "Mom" (it used to be Momma) and he calls Eric "Dad".  In the middle of the night or early in the morning, I frequently hear, "Mooooooooooooooooooooom!  Mom!  Come here!"

Other notables:
Ramsey LOVES to sing!  He sings in the grocery store (lately it's been "Jingle Bells" and "Bohemian Rhapsody"), in his bedroom, and in the living room (when Eric plays his Star Wars songs on You Tube).  The kid is hilarious!  He's not always in tune, but he really gets into it!

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