Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Our First Gingerbread House

Of all of the creative fun things I've done, I have never made/decorated a gingerbread house!  (Odd, I know.)  I figured it was "about time"!

Ramsey and I picked out a kit at the store and brought it home.  It's been sitting on the counter for a few days, waiting for Connor to be here too!

Tuesday night was the night.  Everyone was here!  Connor decided he would sit out on the decorating, but would be happy to nibble on candies later.   Ramsey was dying to start!

We rolled out some red fondant to give the house some color.  Ramsey was excited because he said, "It's just like Play Doh!".  Hmm, good point, little man.   :-)
Then, we started piping some icing and attaching gumdrops and holly hard candies.
 We had some delicious candy canes for the roof too.
 Ramsey's attention started veering back to more playing and eating.  And by eating, I mean dipping gumdrops and candy in the piping frosting and licking it off... repeatedly.    Mmm.  Sugar.

And, after about an hour of piping, playing, sticking, decorating, and intermittent nibbling, here was the finished product:
I have to give a kudos nod to all of those Food Network stars who create palaces, castles, and beautiful lodges out of gingerbread. It's not as easy as it looks!  And frankly, I wouldn't have the patience.  I was tapped out!   That said, I do think that this will be a yearly Christmas/Advent tradition!
 We all had to gather 'round the gingerbread house and get some family pics before its imminent  demise.  Truly, what's the joy of having one of these fine sugary structures if it's only there to look at, then get chucked in the garbage in a few weeks?  Yes, it must be eaten!
Connor got the coveted honor.   Since he LOVES demo'ing and demolishing things, I handed him the heavy duty protein pounding hammer... and let him smash and destroy our beautiful work of art!  :-)
Dessert for everyone was yummy sugary gingerbread house.   Even Riggs got a treat (probably not great for a dog), when he sniped some that had flown onto the floor.

While Ramsey nibbled on his piece, he kept giving the craft project sideways looks, sighing, saying "Awww, poor gingerbread house".  

Oh, but it was so tasty.  :-)  

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