Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Getting Ready for Santa

Ramsey was SO EXCITED for Christmas this year!   This is a fun age for Ramsey during the holidays.    He knows Christmas is about celebrating Jesus' birthday and doing nice things for other people.   But, of course, he loves Santa and was so excited for him to come!

On Christmas Eve Day, we had to make cookies for Santa.  It's tradition to make frosted sugar cookies, but Ramsey also wanted to make gingerbread men.
He picked out seven different shapes of cookies cutters.  Some were traditional Christmas shapes (tree, stocking, snowflake) and the rest were Star Wars (BB8, Darth Vader, and R2 D2).

He had fun rolling the dough, playing with the cutters, and stamping out cookies.
He loves frosting, so he was all about decorating (and taking little nibbles in between).
Santa was going to get his special gingerbread man that he decorated!   That was very important.
He had a hoot with the sprinkles too (got a little carried away in some cases).  Unfortunately, as much as he loved to decorate with them, he doesn't like to eat them!  Good thing he ate a few cookies without the sprinkles beforehand.
He was quite proud and pleased that we were able to make so many cookies for Santa.  He wanted to give them ALL to Santa.  We told him Santa would get a few, but if he ate too many, he'd get a tummy ache!
After his shower and before he went to bed, we placed Santa's cookies on a Star Wars plate, with a nice cold glass of milk.   Ramsey thought he "heard something", so he nestled his ear up to the glass.  Maybe it was Santa?  Hmm.
Eric kept checking the "Santa Tracker" to let Ramsey know where Santa was.  While Ramsey was sitting on the hearth (thinking he heard Santa), Eric announced that Santa and his reindeer were in Ireland.    So, guess he wouldn't be here for another six hours or so!
I have to throw in a bit of a "funny" here...   Eric is always joking (we all know this).  While Ramsey was playing with his toys in the living room, Eric announced, "Well, I sure hope Santa doesn't fly over North Korea.  They'll shoot him down!".    Without ANY hesitation, Ramsey snapped his body, pointed his finger at Eric and exclaimed, "HEY, you stop staying sh*t like that!"

Eric and I both LOST IT!  It was like he'd been saying that phrase his entire life!  I had been walking into the living room from the kitchen.  I was laughing and crying so hard, I had to return to the kitchen to try to gain my composure.  Eric was shaking up and down (the "silent laugh"), with tears streaming down his face as well.   After about ten minutes, Eric was finally able to contain himself.

So, after Ramsey went to bed, Eric, Riggsy, and I watched a movie and hung out.
The next morning, Ramsey was excited to open his gifts from The Man in Red.  He got a purple light saber kit (with a mini blue saber included).
He also got the Wonder Crew Super Hero Buddy doll that he had asked Santa for a month earlier.
"Baby J-J" will have a new friend now too!
We asked Ramsey what he was going to name his new friend.  At first, he wasn't sure.
After thinking about it for a few more minutes, he announced that his new buddy's name was going to be "Tom"!

Riggsy wasn't left out; he got a Christmas teddy bear from Santa.  He was so happy to have it that he wouldn't hold still for a picture.
Merry Christmas!

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