Friday, May 27, 2016

All Giggles "On Deck"

A random "chore" turned out to be a playful fun time for the boys... and Riggs.

Back story: Our bird feeders have been attracting all sorts of lovely feathered friends lately; house finches, gold finches, chickadees, sparrows, cardinals, thrushers, orioles.... and black birds.  ...large obnoxious blackbirds who use our deck as their personal bathroom!

What started out as a task to hose off the dirty deck turned into some serious fun and laughs.   Riggs loves water... any kind of water... to include the garden hose, which he loves to drink from and get sprayed with.  Riggs wouldn't leave Connor alone while he was "working" and wanted to be sprayed.  Connor was loving it (years ago, he used to love spraying Wyatt with the hose) and happily obliged.   Ramsey thought this was just the cat's meow also.  He got sprayed a few times too and wound up completely soaked.  :-)

I gave Ramsey a bath afterwards and Connor shampooed Riggs thereafter also.  And, the deck got cleaned up.    Projects completed, and all with lots of smiles.

Oh yeah... after everyone got bathed, here's Riggs.   So much for the nice shampoo job!!  (The algae is coming in.)    We tried!!  :-)

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