Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ramsey's First Ice Cream Cone

It's summertime!  The Twist Cone has been open since the weather hit 70 degrees (back in March).  Last weekend, we finally ventured there for the first ice cream of the season.

There is nothing monumental about this post, but for the simple remembrance that it's Ramsey's first ice cream cone....ever.  Yes, we are terrible parents, aren't we?    He's so deprived!  The kid has had a malt before, so simmer down.  :-)   

Sidenote:  Ramsey wouldn't touch the cone and wouldn't even try it until it started to melt.  After the first bite, he finally hankered down and got a sizable portion ingested.  
You're thinking: I will post just about anything, won't I?   They're only young once, so... yes... I... will!  

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