Sunday, May 8, 2016

Connor's Last Spring Concert in Middle School

On the way into the school to watch Connor perform in the spring concert, we saw some friends of ours that we used to play pool with.  They commented that this will be our last concert to watch our kids play at this school.   I hadn't thought of that until they had said it!  WOW!   The next time we attend one of Connor's concerts, it will be at the high school and Connor will be a Freshman.  Crazy!

The spring concert was an hour + full of music from the 6th , 7th, and 8th grade bands and orchestras.   For their ages, the musical sounds were very impressive!

In the picture below, Connor is playing his French horn, located slightly left of middle.

Here's an excerpt from their first piece, entitled "Triumphs!".   They also played the theme song from Pirates of the Caribbean and two others.

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