Sunday, May 29, 2016

Whooptie-Doo, More Fun on the Deck!

I rave about my deck... not because it's the biggest most glamorous deck in the world (cuz, let's face it, it's nice, but...), but because the kids love it.  Riggs loves it.  And, because we don't have a fenced-in yard, the kids and dog can roam freely, playing on it for as long as they want (or until it's supper time).  I am thankful I have the deck!  Ah, the little things in life....  :-)

Ramsey loves learning how to ride his trike on the deck (his feet don't yet quite touch the pedals).
And "push mow".
The deck is an awesome place to slide (usually head-first).
And run.  Or do "side-winders" like he was doing here.
It's a great place for "bubble time" (in your pajamas, of course!!).
And holy heck, who knew, it's the coolest place EVER to play with the Kindle!

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