Thursday, May 5, 2016

Sticks and Stones... are Awesome!!

What's a kid to do when it's sunny and warm outside?   WANDER!  Yes, wander around the neighborhood and search for treasures.
And, by "treasures", I mean rocks and sticks.  Cuz... well, let's face it, they're riveting!

In addition to his fascination with his Star Wars, Paw Patrol, cars, and food toys (I'm convinced he's going to love being my sous chef soon), plus his love of gaming, this kid is obsessed with sticks and stones.    ...and for years, [the late and great] George Carlin had said that kids don't play with sticks anymore!
Whoah, look at THIS rock!
 Let's roll around in them for a while, shall we?!?!
WOW, look at THIS stick!!   You're excited, aren't you?!?!    I can tell.
 Sometimes, when you're a kid, the simple things are still the best.  :-)

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