Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day 7: Ice Cream & Playgrounds

Ramsey had chattered continuously, the entire week, about going on the pontoon to get ice cream and play on the playground at the dam.  On Friday of Vacation Week, he finally got his wish!

He got to start out by driving the pontoon on Bumpa's lap.
When we got to the resort by the dam, we all pigged out.
Then, we headed to the playground.
Riding tandem on a swing apparently doesn't work out so well.  Connor nearly lost his britches!
And grand notions of sliding down the big tornado by yourself is also not a super idea when you're 3!  Uncle Troy was gracious enough to bear witness and be of assistance, if necessary.  :-)
Nah, he turned around.  Whew!
He'll stick to the jungle gym and slide instead.
The boat ride home was interesting.   Sadie braided the boys' hair!  Connor didn't have much to braid, but Isaac had a bit more at his crown.
The kids were trying to get Ramsey to take a nap.  They all snuggled in the back and faked some Z's.  They claimed Ramsey fell asleep for a split second. 

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