Friday, July 28, 2017


I've always loved puzzles.  Before smart phones, computers, and tablets were prevalent in the house, my favorite thing to do on rainy day was put a huge puzzle together.   When Eric was a little shaver, he loved puzzles too.   That said, it's no surprise that we have another puzzle fanatic in the family.

Ramsey's had a lot of puzzles throughout his short little life, but he's moved on from 6-12 piece shapes/color/character puzzles with simple shapes to 24-piece puzzles with normal/more intricate pieces.

Here's Mom with Ramsey.  Auntie Sarah handed down this oversized heavy equipment puzzle that Isaac had.  He loves it!  Because the pieces are so large, we helped him a tiny bit, to get the corners started and show him how large the puzzle was going to be.
Last night, Ramsey decided he wanted to drag out every puzzle he had, to include the more complicated ones I used to help him with (24-piece).
 He pulled out a fun bug puzzle, a farmyard one, Paw Patrol, and Blaze "The Monster Machine".
He didn't seem to want any help from his dear ol' Momma, but he was happy that I was there to watch him and keep him company.
 His little fingers were working like mad and I could see the wheels grinding away as he found pieces and parts of animals, bugs, and people to fit together, then bringing all of those pieces together.  
He beamed when I praised him!
To my absolute amazement, he completed all four of these buggers (and, of course, the easy ones too) BY HIMSELF.  
I was shocked!  I was also very proud.  :-)   
I guess some new puzzles may be in the mix in the near future.

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