Saturday, July 15, 2017

Days 5 & 6 - Chillin... and Chasing Lightning Bugs

Days 5 & 6 at the cabin were pretty laid back.   Eric and I went fishing Day 5 (caught a few, but it was wicked hot and we were catching surface weeds, so it wasn't a long trip) while Ramsey and Connor stayed back with Nana and Bumpa.  
Of course, there was more swimming and paddle-boating too.   Connor was a nice big brubby and played games with Ramsey too.

 Daddy and Connor went fishing the next day.   Then, later that night, Daddy wanted to catch lightning bugs with the boys since Ramsey had never caught them before.
It was hot and muggy, so Eric and Connor ran around the yard, getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. 
Meanwhile, Ramsey ran around the deck with his light source, repeatedly exclaiming, "I'm Flashlight Man!"  
 Is this a new super hero, I wondered?
The boys saw quite a few, but they were quite evasive, so after they captured one, they brought it inside for Ramsey to see.
Eric asked Ramsey what he wanted to name the little fella.  He said, "Jackie!"
Eric asked him if he was sure about that name.  He changed his mind and renamed it "Obi Wan" (as in Kenobi of Star Wars).
Ramsey wanted to sleep with the lightning bug, but, after I saw him untwisting the bottle cap repeatedly, I decided that wasn't such a good idea.
Jackie - er, Obi Wan, was released back into nature and is living happily ever after.

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