Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Lake Summer Fun

Oh, the water has been nice and warm on our fun little lake, so Connor's been cannonballing off the end of the dock, swimming with Riggs, and paddling about in general, enjoying it while it lasts.

Ramsey, on the other hand, must stay in the toddler pool.   He takes Connor's lead now and does his own cannonballs into his personal aquatic escape.  We all have to yell "Cannonbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall!," then we wince as he jumps in, knees first, into the shallow water.

On Sunday, after Riggs and Connor swam, they to come play with Ramsey.  Connor started a fun game of squirting Ramsey with the hose!
Ramsey loved it.  
Riggsy did too.

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