Saturday, April 20, 2019

Circus Time!

Ah yes, the Yelduz Shrine Circus.... a yearly event that we partake in every April, now that Ramsey is "of age".  Ramsey was excited!  But, we weren't sure if he was more excited for the circus itself or because we would be going to Nana and Bumpa's house afterwards to see everyone.  *eyebrow raise*
Ramsey was anxious to ride an elephant, like he did last year. The large magnificent animals are simply beautiful.   This one in particular was compelling with her large kind eyes and old soul.
 Ramsey hopped on.  For a moment, I thought he was lucky, as he got the first spot (best view in the house)!
As they went around a few times, I soon realized maybe it wasn't the best spot; a few older girls in the back were pushing.  Ramsey's face showed much expression - happiness, yet like he might vomit from being squished!
Eric deduced that he was probably just being a showman, as usual, and exaggerating a bit.
 Before the circus began, Ramsey jumped on the bouncy castles, watched the miniature pony rides, and caught a glimpse of the trained pig.
Then, up to the balcony we went.
 Ramsey got a new "diamond Minecraft sword" and a noisy little laser blaster to play with.  Dad loaded up on cotton candy, popcorn, and a snow cone!  (still a kid at heart)
Then, on with the show.  Mommy's favorite: the elephants.  
Then, on to BMX bikers who did upside-down flips, spins, etc, plus tigers, jugglers (Ramsey's favorites was the gal who could juggle knives and FIRE!), and trapeze artists.
Sometime just before intermission, Ramsey told Daddy he "had to go potty".  I continued to watch the show, but then got a phone call.  Apparently the "potty" thing was an excuse to leave the circus.  He later admitted that he just wanted to leave so we could hurry up and go see Sadie, Isaac, and the fam!!!   

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