Sunday, April 7, 2019

Junior Prom

Connor's first prom.  Wowser!  ...truly unbelievable how time flies and how many milestones we've passed with Connor.

He and Em chose elegant attire.  Here's Connor at his tux fitting:
Handsome guy!
On the day of the prom, pics were taken at Emily's house.
I'm biased, but I think they really looked like a handsome chic couple.
 Yes, there's still snow on the ground!  Brrr!
We attended the Grand March.  There were about 120 couples.  
Ramsey insisted on wearing a bowtie.  Earlier that day, he said he was going to steal Connor's car and take Emily to the Grand March [himself]!
Amazingly, the kid sat really well through the entire march.
He got a little upset when it became very noisy when parts of the crowd whooped and hollered for some of the couples.  
After the march, we raced down to the gym floor to meet up with Connor and Emily... and to meet Emily's mom.
Connor is such a great big brother; he is Ramsey's hero.  He got lots of kisses that night from his baby bro before we left.
We had to snap a pic of Emily and her twin sister Hannah (and her boyfriend).
"Starstruck" was the the theme of Central's prom this year.

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