Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Rollover

At 7:00 AM on Wednesday, March 27th, I answered the phone hesitantly (I didn't recognize the cell number).   It was Connor.  I heard some scary words.  He said, "It's me.  I rolled my car."   Eyes wide, I ran and gave Eric the news.  He bolted right over to the accident site.  Connor was only a few miles away and someone stopped for him and let him use their phone (his was nowhere to be found).
It was a very foggy morning.  Connor had over-corrected when he came upon a set of curves before the spillway.  Thank goodness it hadn't thawed much, as the water he landed in could have been much deeper.   SCARY STUFF!!
We are so very thankful and blessed that Connor's only injuries were some relatively minor cuts and scrapes on his face and arms.
By the weekend, he had a different set of wheels.  Eric facetiously gave him a sticker noting "This End Up".
#Blessed     #CouldHaveBeenSoMuchWorse

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