Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Open Water!

Usually, the ice is off our lake no later than March 31st.   And, typically, there is a whacko (er adrenaline junkie? Lake-lover with cabin fever?) or two knee-boarding or something in their wet suit the first day after the ice is gone.

With the overabundance of snow and frigid temps this year, I honestly thought it might take til the end of April for the ice to be gone.

Knowing it was going to be in the 60's today, Eric foresaw the future and proclaimed "The ice is going to be gone from the lake today."   "Naw!" I thought, "Perhaps by the end of the week."

After the lake had a small opening (I first thought it was ice that had melted from the surface), the ice had moved off almost completely in three hours!

The view from my office window mid-afternoon:
 By 5PM:
The bad thing is... we're supposed to get a big blizzard later this week.  UGH!!!

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