Monday, April 8, 2019

Finally! A Nice Spring Day!

It reached 60 (or nearly 60) on Sunday, so we took full advantage of the sunshine and beautiful temps!  After we got home from church, we played outside on the deck and had both patio doors open all day, letting fresh air and happiness inside!   Connor had to work in the afternoon, so he was not amidst our afternoon lollygagging.
 Ramsey played in his sandbox (had to have a little chit chat about "keeping the sand IN the sandbox"), scooted around on his trike (I had to raise the seat and the handles - he's grown so much!), blew bubbles, and chased Riggsy with the Little Tykes lawn mower.
After so much playing, Ramsey announced that we must have a picnic.  Snack time was on the deck; chocolate chunk cookies.  Yum!
Riggsy happily chilled out on the deck (when he wasn't being pursued by crazy lawnmower man).
 And ya... we've got some staining to do.  Bleh!!!

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