Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Just a quick blurb that Nana Karen is "officially" cancer-free!

She had a biopsy that proved positive for breast cancer.  It was diagnosed as HER2+ cancer, which is the type that grows in response to hormones.  It typically has a very high survival rate (around 97% for 7 years, when caught in early stages).
In early February, she had a lumpectomy to remove the cancer.  She also had lymph nodes removed to test for lymphatic spread.  Luckily, there was no cancer detected in the nodes!

She just started radiation therapy which she will continue to undergo 5 days per week for the next month or so (they are able to give her longer daily treatments for a shorter length of time!) to eradicate any stray cells that could pose issues later.  Thereafter, she will take a hormone-blocking pill (as an "anti-cancer" treatment) for the next five years.

...another reason we are so #Blessed.  #Survivor 
Love you, Mom!

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