Posting this for a remembrance for future-reading, to remind us of a crazy time in our lives..... (not because it is unknown to anyone - it's been on news/media 24/7 for months!)
At the end of 2019, we'd heard about a new viral outbreak that had started in Wuhan China. The Chinese government quickly built new hospitals (in less than two weeks!), cancelled sporting events (and everything else that would be a public event), and ordered people to be quarantined. They even cancelled Chinese New Year.
At first, we wondered "What's the big fuss all about?", "Could this virus be any different than SARS, H1N1, MERS?", and figured "it's just another flu outbreak" and went on with life as usual. But then, the bronchial/lung-targeting virus began to spread to other countries quickly. Then, those other countries began to shut down completely, quarantining everyone to "flatten the curve".
Obviously, all of the details will be in the history books and Wikipedia. But, locally-speaking, our schools originally shut down for one week (March 16-20), then extended into the next week, then to April 14th.. Just announced today that the date is May 1 before classes could potentially resume. Restaurants and bars have turned into "delivery only" establishments, small businesses (boutiques, hair salons, etc) are still open, but suffer greatly.... Over the last few weeks, people have purchased mass supplies of toilet paper, bleach, cleaning products, Vitamin C, pain relievers, etc, causing shortages in supply (both in-store and online). It seems like most have gone into full panic mode.
Grocers and big box stores finally put limits on the number of necessary items consumers were allowed to purchase. All I have to say is... thank goodness for recurring monthly shipments from Amazon for paper products! We're set.
The stock market tail-spinned from nearly 30,000 points to under 18,000 points in a matter of weeks. People's 401Ks (to include my own), IRAs, and college-savings funds have been blasted.
Eric's been continuing to play the stock market. It's been a bit of a roller-coaster, but, knock wood, we're doing all right!
Flights have been minimized due to low demand (though lines for security and check-ins are awful) and cruise ships have been halted.
So, here we are.... for the most part self-quarantined, except for Eric who is going to work every day, continuing his efforts to protect the city. As the COVID-19 virus has been said to be 5X more contagious than influenza, he's taking great care not to come into contact with the higher-risk population (elderly, people with compromised immune systems, etc).
Homeschooling is now "the thing" and commences in the afternoons when I can break away from work! The school will soon be giving parents state-approved curricula for all students. We should see that this afternoon. :-)
Other fun things: "Spring Cleaning" is at full blast, we're dusting off games from our game shelf (Minecraft UNO, Star Wars Monopoly, Angry Birds Chutes & Ladders), and soon we'll be able to go outdoors and run around the yard without snow/winter gear.
We will make the best of all of it. And, this too shall pass. God bless us all. :-)