Sunday, March 29, 2020

Finally, a Beautiful Day!

The weather was nasty on Saturday, being chilly and ridiculously windy.  By Sunday, I had a horrible case of cabin fever.   Thankfully, the temp was 55°.   Ramsey didn't seem to give a rip if he stayed in or went out.   
I had purchased a new rainbow swing for him for Easter, but I broke it out early.  After Ramsey opened it, it seemed to give him a nudge to get outside!  
Eric put the swing together.  Soon thereafter, I made Ramsey put on his coat and shoes and we bolted out the door.
First stop: The play set.  Ramsey has a nice collection of rocks from last year.  He likes to "mine".  Here he says, he has granite, tin ore, diorite, and some other rocks.  He's very pleased with his collection.
He found the Hotwheels too.   He wanted to zoom down the hill with it, but it was too muddy, so that crazy little notion was nixed (don't need ruts in the yard).
Then, we went for a walk on the trail!  Gorgeous day with beautiful views.
We still have a little snow in areas, but it's melting swiftly.  Usually, by the end of March, the ice is melting and moving off the lake.
Then, we went for a walk on the other side of our house, on the paved road.  There was quite a bit of traffic for our [typically very untraveled] country road.
And, then back to the play set for more fun.
"Peace Out", says Ramsey as he chills in the shade.
His new swing is fun.  I tested it out personally and could have easily taken a nap on it!
After we came in and had supper, we got together online with Troy, Sarah, Sadie, Isaac, Nana, and Bumpa for a Zoom Video call (a very popular social notion, nowadays with the COVID-19 and "social distancing"!).   Ramsey thought it was amazing and acted like a squirrel the entire time.

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