Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

(COVID-19 - Day 2: No School)

For weeks, Ramsey had been coming home from school, telling me stories how a leprechaun had been loose in the school, pulling all kinds of crazy pranks - even leaving the Kindergarten toilet water green!

With Eric being gone, Ramsey wanted to sleep with Momma (they're only young once and soon he'll never want to do that again!).   Ramsey woke me up (much too early!!) laughing and screeching about some wacky leprechaun who wreaked havoc in our house.  "Oh no, that naughty leprechaun messed up our house!" he said.
Apparently the little stinker left a note too!  His name was Louis.
Mass chaos!
 When Ramsey looked around at the huge mess, he seemed overwhelmed at the bedlam! (*giggle*)  That naughty Louis Leprechaun!
 The little stinker even left muddy footprints all over the floor, up the cabinets (must be a helluva climber), and on the counter tops!
We waited a little while for Bridger to wake up before checking the treat bag.
 Little Louis, though he created such a mess, left an array of fun treats (both healthy and not!) for the boys.
Then they had to clean up the mess. hehehe
Momma scrubbed the floors and counter tops.  They needed a good cleaning anyway.  ;-)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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