Monday, March 23, 2020

COVID-19 - Day 6 No School (Stock Market Tips)

I promise I will STOP with the home-schooling updates after today.   I honestly didn't think things would get this crazy or linger a long time, but they have and looks like the coronavirus will be around for a while.   As of now, school will be off until April 14th.

That said, yes, Ramsey did some usual school work today (mostly writing today, as writing skills can always improve!).
Lately, he continuously asks to do science experiments.  I realized that I am going to have to go on Pinterest and find new things to do with him for STEM activities! 
[Mildly] panicking, I looked around for something "science-y" (that I could easily explain to a six-year-old) in the house.  I had just the thing: my diffusers! 

Maybe it helps, maybe it just makes me feel better, but I've been running three essential oil diffusers with anti-viral EOs for the last week and a half.  (It certainly can't hurt, plus it makes the house smell nicer.)
 I let him add the water to the diffuser.
 And drop in the essential oils we've been using.
Then, he turned on the diffuser, waited for it to heat up and watch the steam come out.   
The science in all of this: "States of Matter" liquid, solid, and gaseous.  Voila!

THEN... Ramsey's Daddy's influence came into play.  He started drawing [his own versions of] stock market graphs.  He started rambling about all of these stocks that "he owns".
According to his graphs, Nabisco (Oreo's parent company) went through the roof! ha!
And, according to the NASDAQ, Nabisco went up 13.14% today!  Dang, I guess we should have listened to him!!!!

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