Thursday, March 19, 2020

COVID-19 - Day 4 No School

What was supposed to be the boys' first day of Spring Break actually became Ramsey's first day of homeschooling!   Connor and Bridger had left, so I couldn't have Ramsey just sitting on his Kindle the entire day.   So.. bring out the activity and workbooks!
We started with Art and colored for a bit, then learned how to draw ants, butterflies, and frogs.
 He likes "step-by-step" pictures/drawing.
 Then I gave him some math pages to do.  He finished them so quickly that I didn't think it posed much of a challenge.
 While I had to get on a conference call, I told him to do two more pages.  And, when he got them done, he could have a bit of  Kindle time.   I barely got logged onto my conference call and he was already downstairs showing me his finished pages for me to check!  Insane!
 After I was off my call, we had "P.E.", jumping on and off adjustable boxes.... (yes, in the kitchen)
 Balancing on the wobble/balance board...
 Ramsey did realize that it was a bit more difficult than it first appeared!
 Push-ups and sit-ups on the balance ball...
 And then we moved on to our Science experiment.
 This was to show him the importance of hand-washing and how soap affects germs.  I filled a plastic bowl with tap water, then added a ton of pepper.  The pepper sprinkles played the roles of germs.   I asked him stick his finger in the water to show what happens daily when we touch things;  germs attach and hang on tightly.
 Then, I had him stick his finger in liquid soap first and then touch the water.  All the "germs" scattered and were repelled.   I'm not sure if he was too thrilled about this experiment or learned much, as all he wanted to do was go wash all the pepper and soap off his hands.  If nothing else, he had one more hand wash today!
After our "lessons" he told me, "But Mom, we forgot 'Counseling'!"   Well... guess we can counsel tomorrow.  :-)
Or, our nightly chat after bedtime prayers would definitely hit the mark in that area.

We were informed that afternoon that the schools would have government-approved school curricula available next Tuesday for parents to pick up.   Hopefully that will keep senior graduation on track for May!

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