Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19 Day 1: No School

With the recent pandemic of the Wuhan COVID-19 virus, schools have been shut down nation-wide.  Some schools are off for a month.  We're off just this week (it was to be Spring Break this Thursday/Friday anyway).  But, that may change.
And... Eric is in Florida for polygraph training (one of the only things in the country that wasn't cancelled).

Knowing Ramsey would be bored out of his gourd, I reached out to Kristi to see if Connor and Bridger would want to come hang out with us this week.   We had a positive response and they showed up on Monday just before 1:00 PM.   Sidenote: At around 8:00 AM Monday morning, Ramsey had set a timer on our Echo Dot for the time the boys were to be here.   Thereafter, EVERY...FIVE...MINUTES, I could hear Ramsey asking "Alexa, how much is left on the timer?"
So, the boys immediately started playing.  Connor went downstairs to play some X-Box with his buddies.
As I see others on Facebook posting about home-schooling advice and planning, I had a houseful of boys running rampant, playing games and acting like goofballs.    And, there is no shame in that.  ;-)

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