Friday, March 27, 2020

COVID-19: Days Who-The-H-Is-Keeping-Track-Anymore?!?!

Last week, Eric went to the school to pick up Ramsey's schoolwork packet.  In it included "assignments" from his homeroom teacher, P.E. teacher, and Art teacher.  He also was given links to free online classes and assessments.   With the online links, his teacher can assign certain things for him to work on, in addition to the papers.  The "choice" board are things every kid needs to work on, check off, and then submit back to the teacher at the end of the week.
I'm not gonna lie... working my full time job AND trying to homeschool my child is quite a "challenge".  See above where they note that the child should be "working" 2.5-5 hrs per day.   They also sent home a structured synopsis of what a typical day should look like, complete with recesses, snacks, and classes.  Well... this is really "crisis teaching".  If I were actually able to focus and homeschool him properly, yes, we'd have a regimen.    As it stands.... we're winging it; there is no structure, but we're definitely getting it done!   And, he's learning, so.... 
Here's some writing and math (writing numbers to 100):
More math: We're working on learning to measure things.
After completing the workbook pages, I gave Ramsey a measuring tape and a ruler and he quickly possessed the need to measure a gazillion things in the house.
I'm not sure how impressed Riggs was, but he played along.
For Art, he colored... then I guess we could say added a bit of reading, as he read aloud of his set of 216 crayons.  
And... gotta write in the daily journals, so there's that.
Time for science!  I traced Ramsey's body on paper and then he drew in the major components of his circulatory system; his heart, arteries, and veins.
It's another crossover project.... it's "Art" too, now hanging on our glass patio door.
He's also been reading using free apps that have been made available to us by the school; Scholastic Weekly Readers, Epic book center, IXL learning, SeeSaw.   And, there is also a coding app where he can learn to code Minecraft.   We're just now diving into that.

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