Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day 2020

 To say that the last four years have been devisive, politically-speaking, is an understatement.  Election Day was also crazy time.  And, who knows when we'll actually have a conclusive outcome.  Time will tell once courts have ruled and recounts have ended!

This Tuesday evening, we watched poll numbers come in as a family - electoral college votes tallied; some for red, some for blue.

As we are a conservative bunch who are for a smaller government and love having more personal liberties, we were cheering for the Red Side - the incumbant, President Trump.   Ramsey made an encouraging little sign for the president, which I thought was cute, as it was all his idea. 

And Eric wore this hat, for good luck!  (We'lll see how "lucky" it was sometime in the future.)
In the meantime, we love our democracy and the freedoms that living in the United States gives us and will hope for the best for the country as a whole.  God bless the USA!

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