Friday, November 6, 2020

Obsessed with Monkeys

 As aforementioned in a previous post, Ramsey is literally OBSESSED with a Kindle game called Bloons TD6 (short for "Balloons Tower Defense 6").  It's a game about monkeys, some evolving into powerful characters, all popping various types of balloons, with various kinds of ammunition and weapons.

To divert his attention to other things, I started drawing with him.  The first idea was to start drawing monkeys, so I showed him a few tricks.  To my surprise, he is now obsessed with that now too!  I think he may have an obsessive personality.  His Nana Vicki says he gets that from his Dad.  *wink*

Now, each time he draws a new monkey, he wants me to take his picture with it.  He is so proud! :-)
Every... night.... we draw.  He draws without me now.  And, each time he draws a new monkey, he has a new story about it.  I think this is opening a new creative side!

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