Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving - COVID-Style

 Thanksgiving looked a lot different this year.   In the morning, we watched part of the Macy's Day Parade (which originally debuted in 1924) on TV.   The parade only lasted a few blocks in order for it to be televised.

Everyone was wearing masks.... unless they were singing or playing a musical instrument that required use of their mouths!
At 11 AM, we had a Zoom call with Eric's side of the family.   Later, we made phone calls to my Mom and Dad.    Connor was at his Mom's place for the holiday, so at the house, it was just the three of us.
At about 2 PM, we said Grace, gave thanks, and indulged on turkey and all of the fixins!
Later in the afternoon, Ramsey and decided to break out the baking supplies and make sugar cookies.
Lots of "testing" was done throughout the mixing and decorating process.
And, had to break out the cam for a few selfies.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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