Sunday, November 29, 2020

Ramsey's Letter to Santa

 With the mail and shipping services being completely overwhelmed this year with online purchases and COVID vaccine shipments soon to be in the mix, we knew we needed to get a letter off to Santa early this year!

Over a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup for supper, Ramsey started to brainstorm and write his letter to Santa.

Ramsey writes:
"Dear Santa.  Hi!  How was your year?   How are your elves?  I am a good boy!  Will you bring me some toys?  I want some of: a Minecraft Lego set, Pick-Up Pete, and a white Oculus Quest 2." and then signed his name.  
I had to laugh because of his own use of a colon.  I didn't even know he knew what a colon was, much less how to use one! ha!  (He kind of got it right! *wink*)

After he wrote his letter, I transposed some of it onto a new document in Photoshop.  I printed it out and then took some pictures with Ramsey and his list. 
I did omit the "white Oculus" virtual reality set from the document since the boys already have an Oculus (it's just black vs white).

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