Monday, November 9, 2020

Obsessed with Homophones, Homographs, Homonyms

 Ramsey and I had touched on homophones and such a while back, just because I am a grammar nerd.  Recently, in his 2nd Grade Language Arts that he's escalated to, they've introduced them to him again, but just a few.

He likes the idea of these fun words, so I decided to see what he knows.  I gave him examples of the homophones and asked him to give me the definition, use them properly in a sentence, and spell them for each instance.  We went through dozens.   I was astounded the he got them ALL RIGHT.  

Most astounding are that he was able to differentiate and properly use and spell "To, Too, and Two", "Your and You're", and "There, Their, and They're"!!  Drop the mic, kiddo, drop the mic.   Bravo to this First Grader!  Proud Momma Moments!

Now, each night, after he draws his Super Monkeys, he wants to practice homonyms, homophones, and homographs!!   I'm good with that.  :-)

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