Monday, June 28, 2021

Best Buds

 Bridger's family is moving to the west side of the state soon.  Ramsey is heart-broken, as Bridger is a "brother from another mother" and one of his best friends.   We've gotten to see him a few times this summer.  We're hoping this won't be our last!

...not a lot of pictures from this 3-day visit, but the boys did a lot of outside play (water fights!!!), tent/fort-making, and light saber battles (of course).  

While he was here, Bridger tried (and LOVED) some new foods again; tomato soup and fried walleye (at separate meals of course)!   :-)

Sidenote:  Bridger JUST turned 11 a few days ago.  Geez these kids are growing!    

And, note to Ramsey... swallow your food before you try to smile! ha!

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