Friday, June 4, 2021

My 45th Birthday

 When hubs leaves a girl on her birthday, he'd better leave some good presents!!

Before Eric left for his big fishing trip, he brought me three dozen roses to enjoy while he was gone.  (Good job, babe.)  *wink* 

After The Girls left from their sleepover with Ramsey, my bestie Shana arrived, with arms/sacks full of gourmet foods, drinks, and flowers (daisies, chrysanthemums, with carnations and rosemary).    
We spent that night and the next full day eating delectible morsels, having a few toddies, chilling out on the dock and aqua pad, swimming with Ramsey... and we even took Jango for his first dip in the lake (he cried most of the time, so we didn't push it). 
I realize I probably should have gotten a few pictures of us two gals... who've been best friends for 26 years.   Next time, I guess.  Next time.  For a rather unusual birthday, it was a range of peace, fun, joy, and also a bit of quirk - and I'm ever so grateful to have had the amazing company.  

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