Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Jango, The Happy Retriever

 When my bestie (Shana), Ramsey, and I took Jango into the water last week, Jango cried and cried and was so [seemingly] scared of the water.   He finally flopped around, making huge splashes, then retreating to the shoreline.  I even tried holding up his belly so he could get the idea of swimming, by paddling his paws.  Still scared, I decided it'd be best to hold off.  At the time, I hadn't thought of bringing his throwing duck into the mix.  *head scratch*

On Sunday, it was hot... and a perfect afternoon for a swim.  We all went out to enjoy the water, Jango included.  :-)

Eric brought the duck, as incentive (this dog LOVES to retrieve/fetch, like a good lab should).   And, it worked!
His need to get the duck easily surpassed any initial fear or uncertainty of the water.  He "learned" to swim in a matter of seconds; the innate wonderments of what's bred in him to do, by nature!
Ramsey loved it that Jango was in the water.  His best buddy was now a swimmer that he'd be able to play with for years to come, enjoying our wonderful lake.
Ramsey tried racing puppy to the duck, to no avail.  Jango was fast!
Eric threw the duck for Jango for [probably] a good 45 minutes before he decided the pup needed a break.  However, Jango acted like he would go all day.    Eric found it "funny" that I had reservations about the pup being a water dog!   
We definitely have a water hound!  Next goal: dock-jumping!!!

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