Friday, June 4, 2021

Ramsey's First Sleepover

 For months, Ramsey and "The Girls"  (sisters from 3 houses down Ashton and Raelyn) had begged to have a sleepover at our house.  We'd gone through so much with the renovation, I put the notion off.  (That reminds me - I should post 'befores' and 'afters' of the downstairs - ugh!!)

Eric was leaving for a fishing tournament on June 3rd, returning on the 5th, so I figured that would be a good weekend to fill up the house.  :-)   

We started the event when The Girls came over Thursday for supper.   The kids played like mad.  Then, they snuggled in to watch TV in the family room.

I spoiled Jango and let him sleep in my bedroom... on the bed no less!  (That is a first... dogs aren't usually allowed on MY bed!)   He was good company though... didn't snore too loud.  ;-)
The next day was full of Lego creations, play time outside, good snacks, and.... screaming... there was a lot of screaming!  HA!!  It was all in good fun and the kids had so much fun!    

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