Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Happy Memorial Day

 Memorial Day.... is about honoring the brave men and women who served our country in the military and lost their lives.   The word "gratitude" can never truly express the emotions we have for those who fought galantly for the United State of America and its people.

On this long holiday weekend, we did reflect upon those who sacrificed greatly.   And also, we enjoyed each other, the weather, and the beautiful gifts that God provides.

I had [finally] purchased some flowers (waited longer this year, due to chilly night temps), so those were planted.
We fished and hung out by the lake quite a bit.
Eric's goal was to catch a Pumpkin Seed to place in our large aquarium.
Among the plethora of bluegill, crappies, and perch, he got a cute little mini for the tank!  (Unfortunately, it didn't make it long.)
And, we had picnics, enjoying the warm sun and soaking in the much-needed Vitamin D. 

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