Monday, June 14, 2021

Vacation Bible School

 Vacation Bible School was BACK on the docket this year.  Yay!  Our week was quite a bit different than a typical week.  Ramsey had to go to be EARLY, I had to drive him into church to be there by 8:30, and Daddy made trips at noon to pick him up.  LOTS of trips to town!

Each day, the kids would learn different stories from the bible.  They'd also sing a lot of the time, practicing their performance songs.  And, they had little science experiments every day, which were tied to bible verses or parables.  He had so much fun with the science especially!

Each day he came home, I ask him about his day and he'd show me what they made that day and how it related to Jesus.

As a sidenote, for the last 30 minutes of VBS, all of the children, crew leaders, and music directors would go the sanctuary for a live-stream performance and prayer time.   I tuned in every day to see what the kids were up to, trying to spot little Ramsey among his peers.   All of the songs they practiced became engrained in my head, to the point where I'd be singing them constantly!! Oye!

Here's a pic from Wednesday's live feed.  Everyone was instructed to wear their maroon VBS shirt and sing their little hearts out.  

The kids sang for either/or both church services that week (Wednesday evening or Sunday at 10AM).  We chose to attend the 10AM on Sunday.
Incidentally, Ramsey had picked up a nasty cold and was quite sluggish, but man, we were GOIN' to church!
So... here he is... not super exhuberant but he's there.  ha!  
I should have video'ed some of the other songs they sang.  By the middle of the second song, he'd perked up and was singing and dancing more.
They had a larger turn-out for the Wednesday evening performance. 
 The little boy with the red shorts was one of his best friends at his preschool.   This is the only place he gets to see him now, since they go to different schools.  He was happy to reconnect with his buddy!

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