Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Connor - Saved Papers

I have saved a lot of Connor's school papers from the past 12 years.  As I was going through them recently, I had quite a few chuckles and smiles.  And, some of his writings really touched my heart.  I can't believe the sweet little 6-year-old that I met all those years ago (the summer before his First Grade year) is now going into his first year of college!
 4th or 5th Grade? (I was good about making sure I had dates for most of them - rats!)
 7th Grade:
 5th Grade?
 First Grade:
 He's always been amazing at Math!
...and a great speller!
 2013.... when Eric had his Pulmonary Emboli.
Connor was with us when we took Eric to the ER.
 And, the "piece d' resistance"... the letter in 2009 to "Private Ryan".   He loved the film "Saving Private Ryan"!
My folders are full and memories are long.  Each one of these brings back such sweet moments.
We love you, Connor!

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