Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Not Shabby

I'm a bit of a proud Momma.   Ramsey and Connor have both been diligently doing their school work in the midst of this crazy pandemic.

Today, Ramsey continued in his Math workbook for Grades 2 and 3.   He did really well!   I don't know Common Core Math, so I'm still wondering if I should try to teach him the way I learned; how to "carry the 1" and "borrow" from the next column.  I might mess him up for the years to come!  Or, maybe the state will realize Common Core isn't cool and revert back to "the old ways".  *cheesy grin*
And, we continue to work on his sentence formation and learning punctuation.
I'm finding that he doesn't need my help with spelling, which is quite impressive.  If I try to help, he gets upset with me. :-/ 

As I came into my office from helping Ramsey this morning, Connor was doing his homework assignments.  His advanced math BLOWS MY MIND, but he is terrific at it!  Theorems, Rotational Symmetry, coplaner points... oh my!  
It makes me more relieved that my math class days are in the past!

The "last day of school" is May 15th.  

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