Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Visiting Nana - COVID-Style

To say that we've been missing our family through the COVID-19 pandemic is an understatement.   Nana Karen lives by herself in a sixplex of all older ladies.   They have all been, for the most part, self-quarantining, due to age and health conditions (making them "high risk").   So... Nana sees her nurse once per week and a cleaning gal once per week... and that's it.   She's been very lonely and we've been missing her too!
We ran to town for errands and decided we'd do a "window visit" with Nana, just to cheer her up a bit.   We also returned her Kindle that wasn't functioning properly. I finally remembered the WiFi password that had gotten erased!  I have no idea how she's survived so long without her Kindle!
It's certainly not ideal, but hey, it's something!  It's getting to see her face and wave to her and let her know we love her and are thinking about her.   
Ramsey picked Nana some flowers too.  We left the flowers and her Kindle at her door step, but got to see her when she opened the door (we social-distanced, of course). 

This pandemic is keeping people who live close together - very far apart indeed.   There are going to be a LOT of hugs to family and friends when this has blown over!

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