Monday, May 11, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day - COVID-19 Style!
Well, I have to admit, this Mother's Day was a Catch-22.  On one hand, I was sad and emotional that we weren't able to do most of the things we typically do on a Mother's Day; go to church, have a yummy brunch out on the town, visit Nana Karen, etc.  Those were because of the [bleep] virus (which seems to take a toll on some days).  We really couldn't do much outside because it was COLD and WINDY.  Dang it!
On the flip side, I have my one mainstay - I have my family.  When things get emotionally tough, I have to check myself and remember that.  I have so much to be thankful for!

Earlier in the week, these gorgeous orchids were delivered to my door from the boys!
The colors are dazzling!  They're still holding up, so I'm hoping they can last through the rest of the upcoming week (or more)!
So, what DID we do on Mother's Day?  I slept in.  (Yay!)
Ramsey and I drew pictures and colored. 
"Candy World" didn't quite come to fruition.  Ramsey had grand ideas of chocolate rivers, cotton candy clouds, lollipop trees, coconut grass, and a beautiful unicorn with wings, flying through the sky.  
 And I'm not quite sure what he was doing here, but he had quite the lengthy explanation that he rambled off.  ...something about sword-fighting!?!
 And, I got lots of hugs and cuddles, which were very much-needed.
 At one point, Eric and Ramsey went outside to try to get the lawn mower working.  While out, Ramsey picked these "beautiful flowers" for me.  Aww!  He was so proud.
 And, much of the remainder of the day was avidly watching (er- binge-watching) a new show I found on Netflix; The Great British Baking Show.  (Which, incidentally, I am now addicted to and will continue to watch the remaining 6 seasons Netflix has!)
"This too shall pass" is what I keep telling myself.   It is difficult, when it's already been months and it appears that it'll be another month or two before the state's cases supposedly peak.  I wonder if I will have a COVID birthday, if we'll get to go to the cabin for the 4th of July.... lots of "ifs" and wonderment.   But again, in the midst of it all, I'm grateful for my boys and for another beautiful day the Lord has given us.

Happy Mother's Day to you, Moms, who are so very special and so loved.  We love you and miss you!  And, we cannot wait to see you soon!

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