Saturday, May 16, 2020

Kindergarten Graduate

The COVID-19 pandemic took our nation (and the world) by storm.  Throughout the social-distancing, school closings, and such, Ramsey also missed out on his Kindergarten graduation.  
 So, in honor of our littlest sweetie, I purchased a cap and gown and took pictures of my own in order for us to remember this special chapter in Ramsey's life.
 There was no celebration at the school where parents and relatives could watch their kiddos graduate, which was really a bummer.  But, we're all still here and we're healthy.
And now, we can say.... we have a First Grader!    We love you, Doodle Bug!  Your world is just starting to open up to so many amazing challenges and life experiences.    You will be able to do anything your little heart desires.

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