Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Weekend Projects

For once, the weather was [mostly] nice on Memorial Day weekend!  While we watched the boats and jet skis blazing by on the lake, we kept our heads down and worked on our home projects and yard work.  Work done now means more fun later!

While the boys did yard work, I power-washed and stained the front deck.  (...better to do this now when the weather is gorgeous than to wait until it's 90° outside!  It hadn't been done for a few years and was looooong overdue
Ramsey and I worked on getting the flowers planted on Monday.
We planted annuals for color...
 And Ferns to cover up the ugly base of our fishing/lake shed.
 And since we were digging, Ramsey had fun "planting a tree" in his play set gravel.  Ha!
 Dig away, kiddo.... and learn how to use that big shovel! ha!
Oh ya... and I also had an inkling to bake a loaf of bread from scratch - breaking in the dough hook on my stand mixer.  YUM!
That.... was.... an exhausting weekend!!

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